Cephalodella sp.5, an eyeless Cephalodella species with medium toes (total length vs. toe length: 4.5:1). This specimen is surrounded by Cryptophyta (Chroomonas baltica), which seem to be the diet of the specimens in this sample which gives the conspicuous coloration of the stomach/ intestinum. |
Cephalodella tenuior, lateral view. This species has long caudal bristles that extend beyond the tips of the straight toes (which are bent slightly dorsally). There seems to be a small appendage dorsally of the foot. |
Cephalodella tenuior, specimen in dorsoventral view. |
Cephalodella tenuior, crop of the above image; focus plane on the trophi. (type B). |
Cephalodella tenuior, lateral view of specimen from (2) . |
Cephalodella tenuior, virgate trophi type B (2) . |
Loacation: Heiersbergbach, Wodantal, Hattingen, (NRW), Germany; pond (1); Düssel near Wuppertal-Schöller, NRW; Germany (2) |
Habitat: between algae (1); between algae (Vaucheria sp.) and diatoms on stones 2). Together with Proales theodora and Encentrum spinosum |
Date: 14.05.2019 (1); 02.04.2021 (2) |